Why I love my King

why do you love someone?
I love someone because i know that when
im in need,when im sick,when im down
they will be the ones standing beside me,they are 
going to be the ones giving me hope.

 life is full of surprises...one moment you have everything,
the next it is gone, which leaves us to expect the unexpected.
And yea thats why i love my King because he is going to
be there for us when tragedy strikes like thunderbolt,
sudden and merciless.
But to love our king and become his fan is not enough.
We must respond with dynamism to His Majesty's wishes
and commands.
He said,"we can be the generation
 that made the difference,the generation of conscience ".
I feel we really can do it...........it inspires me...
 Thats one reason why i love my king....